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Self-Hosting Vrite with Docker

Vrite aims to provide the best and most accessible technical writing experience. To do so, we provide both a ready, easy-to-use “Vrite Cloud” instance, as well as an option for you to self-host Vrite on your own servers.

The recommended way to self-host Vrite is with Docker and Docker Compose - both of which you need to have installed on your machine.

Start by cloning the Vrite repository and preparing the docker.env file:

git clone

cd vrite

cp .env.example docker.env

Then, open the docker.env file and fill in the environment variables. You can refer to the Configuration section for more information on the available options.

When you’re done, you can start Vrite with:

docker compose up

While in Beta, the Vrite Extension System is in development and currently limited to first-party extensions available only through Vrite Cloud.